Football, tennis, cycling,....
The time between seasons has started for us with the second part of Fortuna liga project – Football in the village. This time we traveled to Velke Uherce that hosted Partizanske. The match of 5th league of the Western Slovak Football Association has ened in the 2:2 draw. This match was the definitive end to the football season of Fortuna liga and it was also the final match with this sponsor. This project is very popular among the people so we hope that in the new season this project will continue with our graphic support.
In the day of earlier mentioned Fortuna liga project, the tennis tournament was held in Bratislava. The TV broadcast with our graphics was produced from both semifinals game and the final game as well that would be played a day later. Tennis is a regular addition to our summer program. The surprising winner was an Ukrainian player Vitaliy Sachko who as a qualifier would lift the trophy for the best player in Slovak Open.
After the Slovak open we travelled to Trnava for Euro 2024 qualification match. Ukraine chose Trnava as its home ground for this match. Malta was the team that Ukraine has faced. Ukraine has won that match 1:0. The only goal scorer was Tsyganov from penalty spot. In this qualification window Slovak representation has played all the matches outside of Slovakia so we were happy that the production has chosen us as the graphic company that covered this match.
A week later we had a cycling event. United championships of Slovakia and Czech Republic is also an event we participate in regularly. This year it was a bit more special for Slovak fans because it was the last appearance for Peter Sagan in this event. The United Championship took place in Tlmace. This production, as well as the production of Slovak Open and Euro 2024 qualification has required our arrival and the installation of our van a day before the broadcast.
Po týchto menej pravidelných výrobách sme sa už začali pripravovať na kvalifikačné boje slovenských futbalových zástupcov o miestenky do európskych súťaží. Zástupcov naša krajina mala až štyroch – ŠK Slovan Bratislava (kvalifikácia o Ligu Majstrov), DAC 1904 Dunajská streda, MŠK Žilina a FC Spartak Trnava (všetci traja Kvalifikácia o Konferenčnú ligu, Trnava nasadená do druhého predkola). V čase písania tohto článku sme už mali o jedného zástupcu menej – Dunajská Streda vypadla v prvom predkole. Naopak, Slovan Bratislava, postúpil do tretieho predkola kvalifikácie o Ligy Majstrov a tým si zabezpečil pohárovú jeseň, keďže bude hrať minimálne Konferenčnú ligu. Pre nás táto kvalifikačná sezóna je o niečo špecifickejšia, pretože sme do nej išli s novým grafickým vizuálom.
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